Boundless CFX+ Review

17 September 2022 • 9 min read
The CFX+ from Boundless does things a little differently from the original CFX. It’s clearly more than just a direct upgrade and instead provides more of a total replacement for the previous edition. Let’s delve into what’s on offer and see if it delivers a great vaporization experience.
Boundless CFX+ Highlights
- Conduction heating
- USB-C charging
- Zirconia airpath
- Ceramic chamber
How to Use the Boundless CFX+
- Remove the magnetic top section and load the chamber with ground material
- Turn on the device by pressing both buttons on the side of the device for three seconds
- Adjust the temperature using the buttons to your preferred temperature
- Monitor the display to see when the device has reached temperature and inhale
To reach the settings menu, press both buttons quickly twice. Using the menu, you can adjust brightness, switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius, adjust session length, and enable preset or precision temperature adjustments depending on your preference. Everything is controlled with just these two buttons.
While it can be a little awkward to press both buttons simultaneously, it’s easily achieved with two hands if you find it a little challenging or are facing any dexterity issues.

How much does the Boundless CFX+ Cost?
You can pick up the CFX+ for around $200 USD. However, if you shop around, you may be able to find it for a little less. At this price point, it’s reasonable, but if you can find it on sale, it becomes even more attractive when looking at other comparable portable vaporizers leaning on conduction heating.
Is the Boundless CFX+ Well Built & Designed?
In terms of build quality, the CFX+ does quite well. The tolerances all appear quite good, everything fits together without any gaps, and the magnets that hold the top section in place are strong enough that you may just catch yourself fiddling with it now and then as it is a little satisfying. However, one small thing that could have been better engineered is how the stirring tool is held in place. It’s easy enough to get it out, but putting it back correctly under the tiny silicone tabs that hold it in position just feels a little cumbersome sometimes.
Where it does drop the ball a little is the firmware provided with the device. There appears to have been a slight disconnect between the development of the firmware and those designing other aspects of the device. You can see where thought has clearly been put into providing a well-balanced experience, but some of the firmware choices leave you scratching your head a little bit. Firstly, the usefulness of the haptic feedback has been lost in translation. It triggers when the device is turned on or off but does nothing when it reaches temp, which feels like it should have been the obvious move. Secondly, turning on the device with a combination button press that cannot intuitively be performed with one hand falls slightly flat. The same awkward button presses are required for navigating the menu, which is also less than ideal. Fortunately, these issues aren’t deal breakers; they just feel like such easy wins that became missed opportunities to get a little extra polish on the experience.
Can you use Concentrates with the Boundless CFX+?
The CFX+ isn’t designed for using concentrates. However, like most vaporizers, if you want to slip a little extra something into your oven, you’ll still likely have an enjoyable experience. Just be sure you’re using enough dry herb to absorb anything you’re adding in there once it melts, you don’t want hot concentrate flowing through the bottom of the heating chamber as it may not only be impossible to clean, you may damage your device.
What Comes in the Box?
- Boundless CFX+ Dry Herb Vaporizer
- USB-C Charging Cable
- Cleaning Brush
- Quickstart Guide
- Stir Tool

Can you use the Boundless CFX+ with a Water Pipe?
The CFX+ from Boundless Technology doesn’t have an official water pipe adapter available. Additionally, due to the design of the mouthpiece, it’s unlikely you’ll see any third-party options appear either unless significant demand prompts some creativity at some point by manufacturers.
Is the Boundless CFX+ Portable?
The CFX+ is a relatively small device. While it is a little boxy in shape, it bears a slight resemblance to a smaller portable hard drive, making it easy to imagine the logistics of carrying it around. It should fit easily into your bag, and given the small mouthpiece opening, you’re unlikely to end up with any junk getting stuck in there, which is a nice bonus of the design from a portability standpoint.
The design also results in it being relatively discrete. To a casual observer, it doesn’t necessarily look like a vaporizer, especially if it was lying on its side on a desk or something. So while it’s not as tiny as some options, it’s small enough you can’t fault it on portability, and it should fit nicely in many pockets.
Does the Boundless CFX+ have Good Battery Life?
You should be able to get at least an hour of battery life without much issue. Of course, if you’re running it a little cooler, you’ll get a little extra run time. As the device sports a USB-C port, charging becomes less of an issue, especially if you already carry a suitable charger for your phone or another device.
Charging also only takes around an hour, or at worst two when using a weaker adapter, which isn’t bad at all. So you won’t feel tied to the wall too often with this one.
Can the Boundless CFX+ Produce Good Vapor?
The vapor produced by the CFX+ is quite tasty, and while you won't be throwing any massive clouds, it performs quite well given the conduction design. The zirconia airpath also does a fantastic job at keeping the vapor to a reasonable temperature, so you shouldn’t have any problem taking some larger hits, provided you don’t mind the slightly longer inhale due to the relatively restrictive airflow.
Is the Boundless CFX+ Easy to Clean?
Cleaning and maintaining the CFX+ is relatively easy. After you’ve done it once or twice, you’ll have no problem separating the top section into its various parts and cleaning them. One slight source of friction here is the heating chamber is quite deep while not being wide enough to get your finger inside, so when using alcohol wipes, you may wish to use something to help direct and remove the wipes when cleaning the oven (a chopstick, for example). Overall though, there are no significant challenges when cleaning the device. Additionally, the airpath has a silicone end cap that makes it relatively easy to flush out without struggling to reach around corners or into awkward-to-reach spots.
How to Clean the Boundless CFX+
- Use the cleaning brush to remove any larger leftover pieces of material in the heating chamber or sitting on the screen.
- Remove the top section on the device, and using the tip of your finger or the stirring tool, carefully push the mouthpiece in from the top, and it will begin to separate into its primary components. Once you lift this section out of the housing, it becomes pretty clear how to access everything.
- Use some alcohol wipes or, ideally, q-tips dipped in isopropyl alcohol to gently wipe down the metal screen, inside the zirconia airpath, and the heating chamber to remove any built-up residue. Avoid dripping or getting excessive amounts of alcohol in the heating chamber as it may flow through the bottom of the chamber and inside the device, potentially causing damage or other problems.

Is the Boundless CFX+ Suitable for Microdosing?
Using the CFX+ for microdosing works quite well. As the device heats up quickly in only around 30 seconds, you can have a quick inhale or two and then just turn it off again. While the chamber stays warm a little while, the temperature seems to drop off quickly enough for this not to be a problem.
One of the benefits of this being a conduction vaporizer is that you don’t require long and intensive inhales that can be hard to judge in terms of the effects you’ll get that are usually needed with convection vaporizers. While this isn’t really an issue for heavier users, for those looking to microdose (especially during the work day or other important activities), it’s crucial to be able to take these smaller inhales in a relatively consistent way. Thankfully, with the CFX+ short repeatable inhales are pretty predictable once you get familiar with the device and whatever specific strength of material you are using.
Boundless CFX+ Pros
- Approachable price point
- Smooth and tasty vapor
- The zirconia airpath provides great cooling
- Easy cleaning and maintenance
- Respectable heating speed
- Discrete appearance
- Large chamber capacity (0.3 - 0.5g)
Boundless CFX+ Cons
- Pressing both buttons at once is slightly difficult with one hand
- Haptic feedback is only used to signify the device being turned on or off
- The built-in stir tool isn’t the easiest to put back in place consistently
- Standby mode will run the battery flat if not manually turned off
- A spare silicone cap for the airpath wasn’t included
- Airflow is quite restrictive
Is the Boundless CFX+ Worth Buying?
While the pricing is quite reasonable for what you’re getting, it’s just that little too high to treat as a budget option, and it’s better to think of it as a mid-range option. While it’s only recently that budget options have become much more competitive, especially around the $100 USD price point, it just makes you approach a vaporizer at this price with a little more caution. However, if you can catch this at even a little below retail pricing, it starts standing out a lot more while becoming more than just a competent offering and instead becomes a really nice option provided it suits your style of vaping.
The device produces great-tasting vapor and provides everything you need for the casual vaporizer user looking for a conduction-style experience. So if you’re looking for a dependable device made by a company with a good track record of quality products and prefer that tighter draw that typically comes from a conduction vaporizer, you’ll likely be happy with it. It’s a fair-priced vaporizer that does what it promises. Even with the few minor UI/UX quirks after a few sessions it might just win you over and become an essential part of the collection or even just the vaporizer you rely on daily.